Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The rest of Holland!!

On Saturday, we got up early and drove to Amsterdam. We parked outside of the city, since it would be cheaper, and rode the metro into town. The first thing we did was take a boat tour of the city, since it has canals everywhere. That was a lot of fun and we got to see a lot of the city in a very short time. The houses are very interesting because space is such a premium that they make the stairs in the houses narrow and very steep, so it is hard to move things, so each house has a pulley at the top of their house, outside for moving furniture and big heavy things up and down stairs. It was really interesting to see all of the different houses. Also, all of the canals are completely man made.

After that, we went to have lunch with Paulien and Gijs's aunt, uncle, and cousin. That was a lot of fun! On the way there we saw the US Embassy from a distance. It looked like small fortress and Gijs told us that it was very very hard to get in there and that the security was extremely tight; that you could only take in the necessary papers and you could not take in even your cell phone or anything like that. But then we got to their aunt and uncle's house. Their son, Sam, is 8 years old and is learning English in school. His dad tried to get him to ask for our help with his English homework, but he didn't want to. But by the end of our visit, he was asking Jemima (my friend from Australia) if she was a kangaroo and if she had a pouch and he was asking me what kind of food we eat in America. It was a lot of fun to see another typical Dutch household and they were very nice and welcoming.

After that we wandered around Amsterdam some more and Jemima and I went looking for birthday presents for Gijs since it was his birthday the next day. We got stuck behind some police on horses (I didn't mind that!!) who were flanking an animal rights demonstration. But finally they moved out of the way (herded by the mounted policemen) and we could continue with our shopping.

After that we went and looked at the flower market. That was a lot of fun! They had a lot of tulips, but they also had other flowers and plants including bonsai!!! I looked for a long time at the bonsai but finally decided not to get one for myself.

When we were done with that we went looking for an Indonesian restaurant, but couldn't find one that was any cheaper than 15 or 20 Euros per entree. So we finally ended up going to a Mexican restaurant where we ran into their uncle and cousin! They ate with us but finished before us and headed out. After dinner, we headed back home.

I have noticed that traveling around Europe, whether on the train, plane or by car, I always watch the countryside. Sometimes I try to sleep a little or something, but usually I watch the countryside go by. I think I am trying to absorb as much of it as I can in the short while that I am here. It's also very interesting to look as because it is so different from what I am used to seeing. And, because Holland is so flat, you can see a lot of stuff as you drive around.

On Sunday, it was Gijs's birthday so Paulien and her mom spent the morning making good snacks for all the relatives who were going to arrive in the afternoon. When they were done with that, Paulien took Jemima and me to see one of the windmills that was close by. It wasn't running that morning (everything shuts down on Sunday in the whole of Europe, it seems) but thankfully it was open so we climbed up and saw how it worked and got a picture of us there and all that. It was really neat to see how they grind up the grain using wind power. We also got to see the kitchens where they make different breads and pasteries every day.

After that we headed back and got ready for the relatives to arrive. While we were waiting, Gijs, Paulien, Jemima, and I started a game of Monopoly. Soon the relatives started arriving so we put it away for later. For a while Jemima sat around and greeted the guests, but Paulien said we didn't have to stay and could use the bikes (everyone in Holland has bikes, we've found) to ride around. Jemima was getting restless so we headed out for a while. We tried to go to another mill, but it was closed so we rode to another close by town to look for a present for me to Gijs, but all the stores were closed. So we just rode around for a while. It was a lot of fun despite being pretty chilly.

Once everyone left, we had some good tomato soup with some good fresh bread. Taoh, their dad made the soup and it was very good, if a little bit spicy. But I found out why it was spicy...he had put sambal in it! Sambal is ground up red peppers (the really really hot kind) with oil that you can get in Indonesia. After dinner, the whole family went to watch a show they watch every week about an emergency room. It was really interesting. It was a Flemish show with Dutch subtitles...and I could still understand what was going on and what they were usually talking about!! It was fun to watch it. :-)

After that we continued our Monopoly game, until only Paulien and I were left. :-D Then we headed to bed.... I went very reluctantly, knowing that I was leaving the next day. I definitely did not want to leave... I had a fantastic time there and it was so much fun being with my friends and seeing their way of life and getting to meet their family.

The next day, everyone but Jemima and me had work so we headed to Eindhoven, where I was flying out from for the day. I finally was able to find a present for Gijs and gave it to Jemima to pass on. We wandered around town, having lunch in a nice little park. At 4:15 we went back to the train station and I got on the bus to the airport and she got on the train to go back home.

I was very sad to be leaving them all. I had such a good time there and it had really begun to feel like another home to me. They were all so very kind and seemed to really enjoy talking to me. Coming back here was hard because I don't have anyone as close to me here as Jemima, Gijs, and Paulien are. But I am so glad that I did get to see them! And hopefully I will be able to visit again soon.

Well, today I had music class and science class. They were both good. Afterwards, I met up with David, Laura, and Shannon and we went to Nando's which is a sort of typical American restaurant and got food and FREE REFILLS!!!! (which are almost unheard of here....) and after that we went to our connect group for church. I don't know if I have told you, but we are going through the Purpose Driven Life book as a church and we have connect groups which meet during the week and we watch a DVD by Rick Warren, the author and discuss what we've learned. Laura, David, and I have been meeting each morning to read each days reading together and talk and pray about it. That has been really good and I've enjoyed it a lot. I believe we're all going to learn a lot from this.

Tomorrow I have Shakespeare class and WWII class and then some of us are going out to eat or get coffee with Heather's parents who are here visiting. They want to meet us all. That should be fun! And then after that I will finish packing for Germany since I am leaving at about 3 in the morning to get to Stanstead Airport at 5 for my flight at 7:05am. Apparently, my friend, Jens, has my visit all planned out. It should be fun!! :-)

Prayer requests: More sleep since traveling is pretty tiring and safe travel to and from Germany. Thank you so much!!

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