Monday, August 6, 2007

BritRail pass and places to visit!

Well, I finally bought my BritRail pass. I'm not sure how long it'll take to get to the house, but I'm excited! Means I get to travel around Great Britain more easily. I have yet to buy my English Heritage pass, but I'm planning on getting that soon. Camp is beginning the end so I've started thinking more about this coming semester and what it's going to be like.

I'll have to compile a bunch of my mom's recipes so that I can make some good food while I'm over there. Not to say English don't eat good food; I just know that I'll want some good homemade kind of food. I'm excited about all the places that I want to go. I'll have to make a list and decide which are the most important because I'm pretty sure I won't be able to visit all of the places that I want to go. I am definitely going to Holland and Germany and Florence, in addition to Scotland and Ireland. Outside of that, I only have vague ideas of where I want to go. In Germany, Holland, and Florence I'll have friends who can show me around and tell me great places to see and eat. I think I'd like to visit Greece if I have the time and money. But I don't know if that is straying too far from England. I don't really have a clear idea of distances there and how much it would cost to get from place to place. I am guessing I'll have a clearer idea after getting there and traveling around some.

Any suggestions on other great places to visit?


Liz Hundley said...

1- I don't think Greece is straying too far. Maybe you can go on spring break or something!

2- I'm not going abroad after all. So I'll be here when you get back. Smiles :)

3- I misssss you. When do you leave?

Liz Hundley said...

Answered my own question - Sept. 7...any chance to see you before you leave??