Friday, October 5, 2007

Love's Labours Lost...Love's Labours Lost....

So, Thursday night I went to see Love's Labours Lost at Shakespears' the Globe with everybody in our program. It was fantastic! I really enjoyed the whole performance. I was really disappointed when it finished. I wanted to see it I decided to go again! I went Friday at 14:00 to see it again. It was just as good the second time around.

But there was one hilarious incident in the second showing... At one point the actors are throwing bread around on stage and then they stand still and talk in small groups because they have heard sad news. Well, since it was during the day, some pigeons spied the bread and started landing on stage! At that point, the actors had completely lost our attention, so the girl who was in the middle of her monologue stopped and walked over to the pigeons and stomped to drive them away. They all flew away in a flurry and she returned to her spot and waited until we had finished laughing and then said, "As I was saying..." and continued with her monologue. It was fantastic. I really enjoyed that moment and admire her presence of mind.

Today Laura and I got up at 5:15 to go to the airport to meet her parents and Papa and Ann. Her parents got in about 5 minutes after we got to the international arrivals part of the terminal, at about 7:50 or so. Then they decided to wait with me for Papa and Ann to arrive, which was supposed to be a 8:00 originally. We decided to get some coffee and sit and talk while we waited for them because they had moved the flight up to 9:03. Well, we waited until about 10:00 and then talked to the people at information who told us to wait 20 more minutes... We waited until 10:30 when I decided to find the DELTA information desk and make sure Papa and Ann were actually on the plane that had landed at 9:01, allegedly. They told me that Papa and Ann had been rerouted and that they had just landed. Well, I went back and we waited until 11:30 or so when they finally appeared, without luggage... Their luggage has been lost. It is supposed to be delivered to their hotel tomorrow morning.

I had a lot of fun talking with Laura and her parents. They are such sweet people! They were so friendly and very talkative. :-) I really enjoyed talking with them.

Once I got Papa and Ann to their hotel, we decided it was time for lunch since it was about 1:30 and I hadn't eaten anything aside from a croissant and some tea on the train, the Gatwick Express at about 7:00 or so. We headed to the Thai restaurant that I went to on my first day here and we sat down and had a really nice lunch. While we sat there, some guy walked in, sat down for a minute and then walked out. We all wondered what he was doing... We found out when Ann went to get her wallet out to pay... He had lifted it from her purse that she had hung on the back of her chair. Papa was able to go get some money and pay for lunch. They went back to their hotel and I came back to the flat.

We met up again at 19:30 for dinner. Ann and Papa had wanted to get naps, but had to spend all that time contacting credit card companies and getting all that straightened out. We had a nice dinner at an Indian place. It was a nice little place and the food was good, if a little spicy for me.

Tomorrow they are going to church with me and then we are going to the British Museum. That should be fun!

Prayer Requests: That Ann having her wallet lifted doesn't make this a bad visit... :-( Also, that she is able to get all of that stuff straightened out. All three of us are pretty exhausted, so you could pray for a good sleep for all of us tonight. Thank you!!

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