Sunday, September 23, 2007


Well, today Laura and I went with David to the Every Nations church here in London. I really enjoyed it. I knew a lot of the songs and it felt familiar. Also, when David and Laura were getting tea and coffee and I was waiting for them, someone just walked up and introduced themselves and started talking to me and introduced me to some other people who also talked with me. It was really nice. That's one of the first times that has happened to me when visiting a new place. It really left me with a very favorable impression of the church.

Then we came back and I made a pasta dish for lunch. I think I am doing a better job of making pasta dishes now, after having some practice. It is still a sort of haphazard throwing together of ingredients, but I have a better idea of what will taste good together. It's also really funny because my flatmates have started asking me for advice on cooking different things. A lot of it is what seems to me really basic stuff like cooking rice, pasta noodles, and eggs. But I enjoy giving them advice. It makes me feel very accomplished. :-)

Then tonight, we (Laura, David, Andrew, and I) went to church at All Souls. It was pretty pale in comparison to Every Nation. The preacher was very good, but the music was lacking in a big way. I think part of it was that I didn't know the songs, but they were really lacking in any kind of feeling. It felt like they were just singing because they had to. That was a bit disappointing. But afterwards we went to a coffeehouse for the college students and I met a bunch of college kids and I can't remember half their names... And so the search for a church continues. They are both good churches in their own right.

Well, tomorrow we go to Stonehenge, Bath, and Salisbury. I'm sure I will have plenty to write and plenty of pictures to show! :-)

Prayer requests: Safe travel tomorrow. I've also been pretty tired recently, so getting good rest would be another. Thank you for praying for me!!

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