Monday, September 10, 2007


I finally got my other suitcase!!!! I am soooo happy! It was here this afternoon when I came back after our orientations at about 3pm. Before, when I was talking to people online and they would ask me how London was I would usually be enthusiastic, but I knew that when my clothes got here, I would be very happy and content. :-)

Today we had orientation for our flats and the rules surrounding said flats. Then we got our computers set up to be able to print from the printers we have in the Winston House. The Winston House is a house about a 5 minute walk from our flats that is owned by UNC. This is where we will have our classes. There are also printers for us to print out our papers and we have a small, rather limited library.

After that, we had orientation at the London University Student Union, known as ULU. We saw all that they had to offer and we got our cards to get into the ULU. It is a rather small union, compared to the one at UNC, but we will be happy to make use of its services! They have a bunch of clubs that look interesting. Some of the more random ones were: lifesaving, orienteering, rifle, and London Revelation Rock Gospel Choir. I'm interested in the Art club, the Ski and Snow club, and the Agape club, which I assume is a Christian club. Most of the universities in England don't seem to start for two more weeks, so those clubs won't start up for a while yet.

After that, we had a while to get lunch so Laura, Heather, Mary and I got lunch at the British Museum and wandered around, exploring it a bit. There was an exhibit that had all the prescription pills for a man and a woman laid out over their lifetime. The pills were laid out in chronological order so you could see when the lady started taking pills for her breast cancer and when the man had to take pain relievers for his broken ankle. It was insane how many pills they took, but it made me think about how many pills I take, regularly or not. The man had died of a heart attack. The display noted that he took more pills in the last 10 year of his life than the first 66. But the woman is still alive and 'going strong' according to the display. It was interesting to see how much we rely on medicine now.

Then we had orientation at the Senate House Library. The library is large, not quite as big as Davis Library at UNC, but it is much, much more confusing. There are stairs that pop out in random places and take you places you didn't mean to go and the rooms are not self explanatory. You walk into any room and I can guarantee that it will have books, desks, and computers. There aren't many signs to tell you where things are. Also, their classification system is very different from the one we use at UNC. I suppose it will take a while to get used to it, but I guess by the end of the semester I'll know my way around there pretty well.

Oh, last night, one of my roommates, Laura went to church at this church that I'd heard of. They have both morning services and a night service. Since we had a tour of London in the morning, she went to the evening service. I wanted to go, but (1) I had no clothes and (2) I had to wait for them to deliver one of my bags. But she enjoyed it so I am looking forward to visiting next week. They also have a newcomers night tomorrow night and I think we are going to try and go to that. They also have Bible studies for students and other ministries that look very interesting to me. I'm really excited about getting to check it out.

And now, I believe I will watch 'The Gods Must Be Crazy'. :-) I hope ya'll are all doing well!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a lot of fun... glad you have your clothes finally :)
