Sunday, September 30, 2007


I'm sorry I haven't written in so long! I don't really have an excuse aside from general laziness... Anyway, Thursday I didn't do too much. One of my friend's parents ordered a cake for the first day of school. But she didn't get around to picking it up and giving it out until Thursday. We had it at the Winston House before the Politics class. That night we (Heather and I) watched You've Got Mail. That was a lot of fun!

Friday I stayed at home while some friends (Laura, Mary, and Heather) went to Notting Hill and shopped some. I was waiting for some friends from camp but they found out too late that the tickets they needed would be waaaay too expensive. So, I decided to get some groceries that I needed and a blanket. I searched for so long to find a simple blanket...apparently they prefer duvets here... But I was finally successful in finding a nice fleece blanket that will (hopefully) match my stuff at home. I was pretty disappointed that my friends from camp couldln't come, but I guess that's how things go sometimes. That night we (Laura, Heather, Mary, Katherine, Katlin, and I) went to a free concert (music class requirement again) at the National Portrait Gallery. It was a good concert and it was in interesting venue to have it in.

On Saturday we (Laura, Heather, Mary, David and I) went to Hampstead Heath. It's a large heath right on the edge of London. We finally rode in a double-decker bus, since the line (the subway line, that is) that we would have taken was shut down for the morning. It was a lot of fun to ride in the top and look down on everything. On the north end of the heath there is a large house that is called the Kentwood House. It has a ton of paintings put there by someone who bought the house solely to display his collection of paintings and books, etc. It was very impressive and very quiet as those sorts of houses are apt to be. Sadly, I had the hiccups almost the entire time... And David continued to give me funny looks every time I hiccuped which made me laugh and then I would do a sort of laugh/hiccup/laugh... David also brought a friend (Shannon) with him who is also studying abroad in London. She was a lot of fun and very sweet. I think we'll be hanging out with her again. After Hampstead Heath we (David, Shannon, Heather, Laura, Patrick, Chris, Mary, and I) went to visit Andrew in the hospital. Andrew had a blister on his toe that popped and got infected. He had to be hospitalized because the infection got so bad. He is still in the hospital, hopefully for the last night. They are hoping to discharge him tomorrow at some point, tomorrow being Monday.

Today we (Laura and I) went to church at the Every Nations church with David again. It was good again and again we were invited to have lunch, but once again we had to decline. Laura was going to meet her aunt, who lives in London and David is sick and wasn't feeling up to it. After that I made a quick pasta dish for myself to use up the alfredo sauce (I made some from scratch yesterday!!) and then I proceeded to break my glasses while making another batch of congo bars. I also talked to my twin, which made me very happy! :-) It was so nice to talk to her again. I also got to talk to Mama (yay!!!) and get an update on a little of what's going on at home. We also got the glasses stuff worked out. Then I went to watch a movie with Dr. Oehler and his wife and Laura, Chris, David, Heather, and Mary. We watched The Wind That Shakes The Barley.... That was a horribly depressing and violent and gory movie... I would not, could not recommend it... Then, because it was so depressing, we (Laura, Mary, Heather, and I) watched Bridget Jones' Diary to end the day on a slightly happier note.

Tomorrow (again, Monday) we (Laura, Heather, Mary, David, and I) are going to go to Canterbury and explore it all day long. :-) That should be fun!

Prayer requests: That David would recover quickly from his cold. And that Andrew's infection would heal quickly and that he would be discharged tomorrow. I have been rather tired and blue this week. I don't know why, but you could pray for that as well. Thank you!!!!

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