Saturday, September 15, 2007

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

Whew...sorry I haven't updated sooner. After wandering around the city all day I usually come back here exhausted. But, now it's time for an recap of Thursday, Friday, and today.

Thursday, some people had class so I stuck around the room and ran errands. Thursday night we went out to a see a dance. It was amazing! They were doing crazy acrobatic stuff. They did dances to a bunch of old spirituals at the end. It was really good! Everyone in our program enjoyed it. The group that performed was a group from America and I was glad to see my country so well represented. Sometimes I feel like us Americans talk so loudly, I feel like everyone else is talking much quieter than us and we stick out as loud obnoxious Americans...perhaps that is just because I am aware of the difference between our accents...

Anyway, Friday we (Laura, Chris, Andrew, Heather, David, and I)went to the London Eye in the morning. It was rather pricey, but it was a lot of fun and we got a bunch of pictures. After that we (the whole program) had a Walking Tour of Bloomsbury. It was given by a large man from Wisconsin who had lived in London for a long time. He had a very big voice that projected well. It fit his size. :-) He was a very nice man and I felt pretty comfortable asking him all my random questions, such as, what is 'franked mail' and what do the squiggly lines on the road *really* mean? He showed us all around our neighborhood. It was really interesting to see our neighborhood. I went in rather skeptical because we've been living here for a week now and we have been wandering around and shopping and stuff, but we learned that we had only explored a tiny little section on the very edge of our neighborhood. He also explained a lot of the history behind our neighborhood. I also enjoyed the fact that he would go through the etymology of different words, either street names or any other name. It was really interesting.

That evening we (Laura, Heather, David, Andrew, and I) went to a coffee shop and sat around and talked for a long time. That was really fun. I am getting to know these people in my group a lot better. They are all really nice and a lot of fun to hang out with.

Then, today, we (Laura, Heather, David, Andrew, Chris, and I) went down to the Thames River Festival. That was a lot of fun! It was a lot like a state fair only along a river and without rides. But it was a lot of fun to just walk around and look at everything. We took a lot of pictures of the London Eye, because it was all lit up with changing colors! Also, the whole Parliament building behind Big Ben was lit up and beautiful. You should definitely go to my Picasa website to see all of the pictures. I'll put a few up here.

Here's the London Eye at night!
Here's the Parliament and Big Ben at night!
We also found time for a silly picture:
I also liked this sign a lot:
As if the door is afraid of something.... :-P

Welll, that's all for now. Laura and maybe Andrew and I are heading over to All Souls Church tomorrow morning for the second service and then free lunch afterward. Hopefully we'll meet some other students since it is a welcome back day for students. Then I think some of us are planning to go back to the Thames River Festival.

Prayer requests: That I'll be able to find a copy of Love's Labour's Lost relatively quickly at a decent price... Thankfully, Tracy seems to be recovering from her cold. Neither Laura or I have gotten sick. I think I am pretty much over my jet lag. Thank you so much for your prayers!! The weather here has been spectacular! It has been in the mid to high 60's and hasn't rained a bit. Apparently it stays about like this until the end of October. So, praise God for that! I am really loving it here. I am loving getting to know the people in my program and I am enjoying exploring the city.

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