Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pictures from Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Bath

Here are some pictures from our trip on Monday!
This is me at Stonehenge! The wind blew all the time...
Here is another picture of some of the rocks. You can see a small bulge on top of the tallest rock; that was a woodworking method they used to make the rocks on top stay up. They pounded a hole the same size and shape as the bulge in the rock that went on top to make it stay.
This is Salisbury Cathedral. You can see the scaffolding on the sides. They are working on a 29 year project to renovate it. They started in 1986 and are planning to be done by 2015.
These are two Cedars of Lebanon that were planted in the cloister in Salisbury Cathedral a long time ago. It was amazing to get to see two of them up close! The Bible talks about Cedars of Lebanon a lot and it was neat to get to see some!
Here are some of the shops around Salisbury. They look so typically English. Many of them, like many in London, have not changed very much since they were built.
Here is a view of Bath from our bus. It's not a very good picture, but the best one I could get. Bath is very large and sprawls over several hills and down into the valleys between. It's also a very pretty town. Sometime in the next couple of months, I am going to go back and explore it more. The river that runs through the middle is beautiful! I want to wander up and down that as well.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Esther, those pictures of the cedars of Lebanon in that courtyard are beautiful! They make me want to jump into the picture and take a relaxing stroll around. And it's awesome you were at Stonehenge, were you there on the equinox? That would be pretty cool, since it's aligned to solar cycles and all. hehe. I'm so glad you update your blog more regularly than I did!